A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Partly cloudy skies. Low 58F. Winds light and variable..
A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Partly cloudy skies. Low 58F. Winds light and variable.
Southern will be hosting its Fall Sports Meet the Squad Day on Sunday, Aug. 28 (start time TBD). This will be its first Fall Sports Meet the Squad day since the 2019 event (pictured above).
The Southern Rams and the Northern Huskies are going to celebrate the arrival of the fall sports season by holding their respective Meet the Squad dates in a couple weeks.
Southern will be hosting its Fall Sports Meet the Squad Day on Sunday, Aug. 28 (start time TBD). This will be its first Fall Sports Meet the Squad day since the 2019 event (pictured above).
The Rams’ Meet the Squad Day is slated for Sunday, Aug. 28 (subject to change). The start time is currently to be determined, and updated information will be found on the Southern Garrett Athletic Association (SGAA) Facebook page, as well as in next week’s edition.
This will mark a return for Southern’s fall sports Meet the Squad Day as it’s the first one since the 2019 season.
Northern’s Meet the Squad day is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 30 (time also TBD). If it gets rained out, it will be held on Thursday, Sept. 1. This is the first time Northern has held a formal “Meet the Squad Day” for fall sports. Check the Northern Garrett Athletic Boosters’ Facebook page in the future for updates on the event.
Fans will be introduced to the members of all the fall sports teams, along with the cheerleading squad and the band.
The Mountaintop Soccer Association’s 2022 Fall Kickoff Event is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 18 at the Loch Lynn Soccer Complex.
Uniforms will be distributed, and they will go over the rules and provide important information for the 2022 fall season.
Kona Ice will be on hand with refreshing treats for all MSA players.
Also, MSA is holding its annual Equipment Swap at the event. Athletes are asked to bring their old cleats, soccer balls, etc., and swap them out with others. The Equipment Swap will start at 6 p.m. and last through the event on the hill beside the concession stand.
The Garrett County chapter of Special Olympics Maryland competed in the state games in Towson held back on June 17-19. GCSO was represented by two bocce athletes and three swimmers.
Robin Fife earned a gold medal in both the 100- and 200-meter backstroke and brought home a fifth-place ribbon in the 50-meter backstroke.
Bocce player Laurie Bittinger logged a gold medal in her single event and secured silver in the double event.
Amy Beckman, who is new to GCSO, earned a silver medal in both the 25-meter freestyle and the 25-meter backstroke.
Jeff Michaels also had a great showing in bocce with a gold medal in the single event and earned a silver in doubles (with his doubles partner, Laurie).
Finally, Robert Broadwater swam his way to a bronze medal in the 50-meter freestyle and a fifth-place ribbon in the 100-meter freestyle.
Debra Warnick is the swim coach, while Stewart Holt coaches bocce. Lisa Bittinger and Karen Broadwater also were at the event as volunteers.
GCSO is looking for athletes, unified partners, and volunteers, as well as volunteer coaches. If you want to participate, you can call 301-535-3648 or email somdgarrettco@yahoo.com.
Bowling started this past Friday and will run each Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. until Oct. 7 at The Alley in Oakland.
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